Jul 3

Fantasia 2009

Category: Fantasia,Random,Rants

Oh, it’s the same every year. I always swear I’ll cut down on movies, remembering how many of them sucked last year, remembering the pain of waiting for the pitiful organizers to get their shit together, remembering the discomfort of those broken down seats in that half-assed theatre that is really just an outdated auditorium. Hell, I’m too old for this shit! I can’t go through it again!

But then I see the schedule. I watch the trailers. I make my choices. How can I not see all these awesome Japanese flics? A four hour opus? Sign me up!  No, it’s not better to download these flics in the privacy of my own home.  Of course it’s more fun to watch them with fellow genre cinema enthuthiasts! That’s part of the experience!  Of course I’ll be drowning myself in movies again this year. Of course I will give up July for this torture. Of course I will. Of course, of course, of course.

And yet I haven’t even seen the full schedule and already this amateur hour shitfest is pissing me off. The festival begins in less than a week and they still don’t have the program on their website! The dvd and program comes out today so obviously the selections have been made, why not update the fucking site?  Ugh!  I know part of the charm of the festival is that it is run by lovers of cinema and not corporate moguls or something but the amateurishness really does wear thin after a while.

My god, I am such a cranky pants.  But life really does change when you hit 30.  Those moments just keep hitting me; moments where I realize I’m old.  I see boys with their pants riding halfway down their asses and I sigh disapprovingly, but that’s not a new style!  It didn’t use to bother me!  Why do I find it so ridiculous now?  Damn those kids and their rock n’ roll music.  Oh well, at least I’m still embracing new technologies.  I recently got an ebook.  The Sony reader.  It’s awesomesauce.  You’re jealous.


Stay tuned for Fantasia reviews to learn what you should see and what you should skip and why you should always spare your ass the discomfort of a poorly cushioned seat.


3 Comments so far

  1. Caro July 3rd, 2009 9:04 pm

    Did I ever tell you about the time I was at the grocery store and their was a punk teenage kid with really low pants walking in front of me? Well all of a sudden his pants fell to his ankles and he just kept walking like it was nothing. Then he eventually realized he lost his pants and pulled them back up. And then I saw him later on in the parking lot and the same thing happened.
    Dumb teenagers and their big pants…

    Enjoy fantasia!

  2. KC July 5th, 2009 8:39 am

    I’d like your top 5 picks going in. We’re going to think about seeing a couple films this year, and I’d love to have you wade through the crap for me, and just pick the pure gold.

  3. Nique July 5th, 2009 11:43 am

    I’ve posted my picks

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